Although I did study psychology, I have decided that it's no longer what I want to do with my life. It seems as though my coworkers haven't accepted my decision in this matter even though I don't work in the mental health field, I work... slave... pass the time... in the home health field.
Anyway, so I don't know why it is, but I always seem to be the one that people vent to, share office secrets with, etc. Not that I mind, I'm glad that people are comfortable telling me things they wouldn't share with others... that sounds kind of weird, but that's how I've been for a while, it's one of the reasons I wanted to go into clinical psych in the first place, I'm happy to be the person you can talk to when you're frustrated out of your mind with the daily grind... but I don't always have a response for them. And I can't always say what I'm thinking, you know? Like if coworker A says to me that she has so much to do that she can't get the payroll entered (which affects my ability to do my job) and make phone calls and do such-and-such, I can't say to her, "well, if you actually could multitask, you'd be able to!" or "really? because when it was my job, I got it all done..."
I also can't stand it when some of the office staff are really nasty to this one woman who works with us. Thing about this lady is that she's a straight shooter, if you mess up, she'll call you out on it, if she messes up, she'll admit it right away. But in her department, no, the whole company, if someone messes up the patients could be at risk, so if a mistake is made, it needs to be constructively criticized so that it won't happen again, but people just don't like the way she talks. Now, being the office therapist and all, I happen to know how crappy her job is, the lack of support she receives (which I can totally empathize with O_o), not to mention some health and relationship issues she's dealing with. So when people call her a bitch and talk about her like there's no reason not to, it bothers me. I'm not going to say anything about what she told me, but sometimes I want to tell them to shut up and leave her alone, how would they act if they were going through what she is.
But of course I won't, everything told to me is in strict confidence, that's part of my job as office therapist.
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