Okay. So here's an update on the last few months... not that I expect anyone to care, but hey, why not?
As you may have been able to tell from my last post, I hated my job. With a passion. However, you may notice that I used the past tense in that sentence- why? you may ask. Well, now I love it! No, that's a lie, really I quit!! yeyah! Unfortunately, I couldn't squeeze more money out of them when I resigned... not that I'm sure they would have offered it, but my reason was that I'm moving to Israel. Which I am, please G-d, in a few months time. Well, now it's closer to two months. Ask me if I'm ready... nope! not at all! Except for having been accepted into the Ulpan (intensive Hebrew classes) of my choice (woot woot!), and that includes room and board for 5 months, so that's awesome. But there's so much more I need to do before I'm ready to go. Sooo much more! Like go through 24 years worth of crap and figure out what to keep, what to donate, what to throw out...
Right. um... also, my brother got married!!! In Israel. Another reason I decided that my aliyah (move to Israel) has to happen now. G-d willing, they will be starting a family when the time is right and I'd really, really like to be there to be the bestest aunt ever. So I went to Israel for the wedding, which was beautiful, thanks for asking :) and I stayed for an additional month. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to, especially cuz I kept getting sick :( but I was able to talk to some people, get some advice, sorta look for a job... Then I came back to the States. I've been home now 3 weeks and I've been really proactive in doing nothing. Really, I think I deserve like an award or something, I am so accomplished at getting nothing done. No, not quite true, I have been keeping up with my Twitter and Facebook. That counts for something, right?
I was looking for a temp job for the next few months but couldn't really find anything. What I did find was a commission-only sales job. It's with Israelis and if it works out, I can continue in Israel, but... I really need money now not in a month... well, I'll just have to be really aggressive, eh, and get the cash flow starting sooner rather than later.
I'm also trying to get people to buy personalized gifts from me, so, hey, if someone you know had/is having a baby or a birthday, or really any occasion, and you don't have time to get them a gift or you want something really special, call me, alright? cuz I'm really good at making gifts and they're nice and reasonably priced. So please take a look at the collage I've included with this post
And that's about all for now...
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